Deeyah Khan’s TedxExeter talk is now available to watch!
“Finally broken by Deeyah Khan's talk. Myself and a colleague sobbing. So powerful. Everyone should see this talk.” – Feedback from one twitter user watching Deeyah Khan's live talk.
In April this year, Deeyah Khan helped to make TedxExeter the biggest yet. Her participation as a speaker added to the event's sold-out success, the live-stream was watched more than 3,000 times and an incredible 69 countries tuned in.
Since Deeyah's talk, we’ve been inundated with requests from people asking how they can watch and we’re now delighted to be able to share with you Deeyah Khan’s powerful and moving TedxExeter talk, ‘What We Don’t Know About Europe’s Muslim Kids and Why We Should Care’.
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